Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Frustration Nation

 So... I'm more than frustrated.

...What does that even mean anyway? 'More than frustrated...'

Anyway, so, our book contract only accounts for grey-scale images. :( So, our pretty little pictures are now ruined into grey-scale. Sorry, guys! Matt and I are no happier about it than you are...

 Just the same, it's not what I'm most upset about. I'm already sure we aren't going to catch the Christmas print... I mean, maybe if we rush thought he last of it, we can get the books published by  the New Year. That's the hope and plan atm...

But, there's good news in all of this! So don't be mad... </3

We're editing page 175 of 280. :D

It might actually be more pages than that after it's scrunched into the book format, but we're hoping it won't be too long. We don't want to freak you guys out, after all. I mean, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers' Stone was 309 pages (or 320 if you're counting the library edition), but I think shorter books are less intimidating.
Just the same: length (when well written) can make a reader feel like part of the story for even longer, so we'll see.
I just know I'm ready to get the first book out there! I'm already excited about editing the second book (which is already written, I might add. :3) As it's a literal continuation of the first...eek.

What's more is--the odd spacing of the images blogger is making me use for these images is awful.>.>; Seriously  wtf... Oh well. Back to the editing table!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Again, working on another reference image... Chrono, Seal, Justin, baby Tilly, and teen Seal and Chrono. Plus, I now have to finish Julia and Madelyn before mid-November. ...Oh Emm Gee.

The first book has become a 250+ page monster that spans approx. 20 years. :O We're currently done proof reading on up until page 150, with another 100+ left to go; now within less than two week. ;-;

Oh well... Hopefully, it'll all be worth it, and you guys will like the work. :D Need to re-size some things, fiddle and tweak--but I'm a much better digital artist than traditional, so I'll get it looking like it should. :D