Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sorry for any of you that follow here.

I've been doing my best to keep the official page updated, and barely managing. I'm just keeping the deviantART up to date, and able to pop in to comment every once in awhile on our twitter. I don't see a lot of action anywhere but the deviantART, facebook, and a little on tumblr. Anyone want me to bother continuing here, comment for me. ^_^

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Well, book one is out now. This book... It's so much better than the pilot, it's baffling. We, as avid readers, were mostly just stoked to be published. Now, after learning so much about what good writing is, when YOU'RE the one writing it, we're so very proud of how the series is coming out now. This is a book we can be proud of for its content; not just because it's in black and white.

What's more is; the pilot had good reviews. Book one has lots of them. We have troves of people that have bought and read it, screaming it's praises. That makes us feel pretty good. ^_^

But we need your help.

Buy the book. If you can't buy the book, ask someone for it over the holidays, or for your birthday. If you can't do that, tell friends that might be interested. Remember; we're independently promoting this book series. We have no major publishing house doing all the publishing work for us. That means we have to pay out hundreds to thousands of dollars to get good publishing going, in hopes that a big publisher will pick us up. We survive off of you and your friends word of mouth.

We really hope that you'll give this book a try. You won't be sorry. Barns and Nobles list of M.A. Moreland books

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Resolved issues and new info

Okay, a bit of an update:

1. ToAtoneART has been reclaimed, and now will be images only. I'm in the process of removing old, unneeded art from it as well.

2. MA-Moreland is our page to see excerpts of actual literature from the books, and give you a taste of the writing.

3. Book one 'Tales of Atonement: To make a hero' will be in print and able to buy before August

4. Copies of 'Tales of Atonement: Reunited'; the series' pilot, is on steep discount to make way for the new book. Get it now for only $5+s/h Official Ebay

5. We're about to start our first KickStarter for help with distributions, promotions, and the book tour! Get ebooks, solid copies, merch and more just for helping out! Here's the preview.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bad news first, then good news

Okay, so...the bad news is I may have lost the ability to access our deviantART ( ) No, I didn't get into any trouble. The password seems to have been compromised. I'm trying to work on fixing it, but it may take us time. Making a new email address with the same name as the one attached to the account (which involved de-activation of the original because it'd been too long since I'd logged in. v_v;), and a lot of talking and begging the admin, which it takes them forever to get around to answering tickets normally.

I'm not going to bother making a new account if I can't get my main back. Too much time, love, effort, energy... almost 400 watchers, 7 years on the account, a 3 years running premium membership...and $500 worth of points still in the account. >.>;;

The good news is that the first book (Tales of Atonement: To make a hero) should be out before the end of this month--June '14. We're handling 'finalities' now, so...

One step forward, three steps back, I guess.

We're also trying to get our first kickstarter up and running. I think it'll flop if I can't announce it on deviantART, but...then again, most of our dA fans are kids, and weren't even able to get our $5 pilot, so we'll see...

Forgive my attitude. I'm pretty bummed about the current state of affairs with the deviantART account. 7 years is a long time to put your time and energy into something, just for it to possibly be ripped away--especially since it's my co-writer's fault this is even happening... But I digress...

Just root for us that these things do well. If this kickstarter does well, we'll get another up for the book tour. Here's hoping and crossing fingers.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sorry I've been MIA

There's so much going on with the book series right now, it's crazy.

We've completely rewritten the book. The plot (which was epic, no matter who we asked) is still the same, but we've been practicing our writing style, and parts are different. More than things being changed, it's just plain better written; and we're pretty proud of that.

We took the prelude to the pilot and we rewrote it. Then, we edited it. Then, we made alterations and found any loop holes and errors in story and plot. Then, we edited it again. We put a lot more time, effort, and love into this book, and I can say with certainty it's good.

Genre: Historical fiction romantic fantasy. Might seem long, but it's shorter than the pilot was--which was scattered at best. It still sets you up for the sci-fi/post apocalyptic genre that resounds in later books, but it is a stand alone book.

I can honestly say that this series makes me proud now. My mother's not a reader. She actively complained about the pilot being 'too wordy'. ...Well, she says this one's words, too; but it's less so, and she likes the story. As my mother has never been one to kiss my butt just because I'm her kid, I take this as a personal win. :D She's on the edge of her seat as I read her Book Two, but more on that at a later date. :P

In print as of May 15th, this series WILL keep you interested. You WILL have issues putting it down. And anyone who can take a picture of themselves holding their copy of the pilot can get their copy of 'To make a hero' at half price! Better hurry and get yours today at ; there are only 80 copies left of this limited edition pilot!

And as always, here are some sneak peeks at a few of the images you'll find within the book:

Art by: Autumn Bartsch and Eric Rössler

Monday, September 23, 2013

You guys should check out the deviantART and the official website. I sadly keep up with the deviantART the most. Gomen...

A lot's been going on! The pilot book is in print for only $15, free shipping and handling. It's kind of a starter of the first three book trilogy all in one book. It's a hefty read (about 500 pages), but a really good buy!

The first official book should be out in time for the Christmas season (sometime this late October). A few newer arts have been floating around, too.

It's actually one of my favorite pieces to date, even though I see so many mistakes, and I can already do much better. OTL I can't wait until we get to the book with the, NEXT generation. XD

I really need to keep up with this page better. ^_^;