Saturday, September 8, 2012

Long time coming

Okay, so, I was told I should have done this a long time ago...?

Blog for the Tales of Atonement novel series! I'll be posting stuff up here I don't post on DeviantART, or Facebook, or Twitter, or similar other such places that I post updates... Yeah. Not to say that dA isn't the only place I remember to post said updates on as it is, but now I have one more place to add to said list. Not to mention, Tales of Atonement has it's own website, but I never remember to keep up with that one, either. Oy...

Small issue with the book (Yeah, I know...). It'll still be out on time, but Matt's randomly decided we should add some more meat to the opening bit, before the small time skip. It's where you get to know Drego and Caos, before all hell starts to break loose. It explains why they broke up better, and what happened to eventually lead up to where you pick up in chapter one.

I couldn't argue with him. It was a good idea, and it's coming along well. Plus, it's beefing up our puny approx. 160+ page layout to a more respectable 200+ page one. Only problem is, the deadline is now sort of up in the air, and we still don't have the rest of the book evaluated for the last time before it goes in for a professional last edit, and printing--which takes about 45 days on average (unless they're doing a 'Christmas season crunch', in which case they put a rush on it...which this will be. *faceaplm*). It was due in about a week ago. ;-;

I promised people it'll be out this Christmas, and I'm being pretty anal about that. But the more good ideas he gives me, the harder that is to do.

With this new idea added to the mix, I have to make a completely new reference image: Crimson. She'd a dragon Caos captured around the same time she caught Drego, yada yada yada... Point is, she wasn't nearly important enough character before (as in, she wasn't shown enough) to have her own reference. But now, she is. (*Another facepalm*) So, I just got done drawing the dragon silhouette and head at the beginning of last week, then I colored the head (with good reviews! I'm so happy@! ;A;) at the end of last week, and I finished her sketch just today. I got so hyper about finally being done that I inked it, scanned it, and digitally redrew it rather than going to sleep last night. lol (Don't worry about the MSPaint solid lines. I'll be fixing that in coloring. And I know, it isn't the 2-point lines like usual. It's part of the new way I draw, and I started this images that way without thinking. ^^;;

Painfully hard to draw her body, as I've been altering my style to something a bit more realistic anime for the next book (I even use things like stock images for clothes to add realism! :O), but now, it seems a bit out of place with the more anime style of the old... I don't know; you guys be the judge. Tell me what you think. I'd really love the input. ^^

Well, I'm finally off to bed, boys and girls. No 'up for two days in a row again' for me tonight! In a given 2 weeks, a normal adult is supposed to get 84-112 hour of sleep. I've gotten approx. 54. X) Good night, don't let the vampires bite... :3

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